Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Entrepreneurship Development


Assertion: Entrepreneurship is derived from a German word "entreprende" which was used in the field of military in earlier times.

Reasoning: . Historically, as wars are followed by economic reconstruction, it should be no surprise that military concepts are used in economics and management.


Both Assertion (A) and reasoning (R) are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

Both Assertion (A) and reasoning (R) are correct and but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Assertion (A) is true but Reasoning (R) is not correct.

Assertion (A) is not true but Reasoning (R) is correct.

Correct Answer:

Assertion (A) is not true but Reasoning (R) is correct.


The correct answer is Option 4: Assertion (A) is not true but Reasoning (R) is correct.

Assertion: Entrepreneurship is derived from a German word "entreprende" which was used in the field of military in earlier times. This is incorrect. The term has French origin (NOT German).

Reasoning: . Historically, as wars are followed by economic reconstruction, it should be no surprise that military concepts are used in economics and management. This is correct. Throughout history, there have been instances where concepts such as strategy (a course of action to beat the competition, the ‘enemy’) and logistics (movement of men and machines for timely availability), etc have been adapted for use in business.

"Entrepreneurship is regarded as one of the four major factors of production, the other three being land, labour and capital. The term has its origin in French.The term ‘entrepreneurship’ (derived from the verb ‘entreprende’ meaning ‘to undertake’) pertained not to economics but to undertaking of military expeditions.

So is true of many terms in management such as strategy (a course of action to beat the competition, the ‘enemy’) and logistics (movement of men and machines for timely availability), etc. Historically, as wars are followed by economic reconstruction, it should be no surprise that military concepts are used in economics and management. "