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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following Amendment Acts of the Constitution of India abolished the privy purses and privileges of former rulers of princely states?


25th Amendment Act 1971

26th Amendment Act 1971

28th Amendment Act 1972

27th Amendment Act 1971

Correct Answer:

26th Amendment Act 1971


The correct answer is Option 2 - 26th Amendment Act 1971

The Amendment Act of the Constitution of India that abolished the privy purses and privileges of former rulers of princely states is the 26th Amendment Act, 1971.

Before India gained independence in 1947, it was divided into British-administered provinces and several princely states, which were ruled by local monarchs. When India became a sovereign republic in 1950, these princely states were integrated into the Indian Union, and many of their rulers were given certain privileges and financial allowances known as privy purses.

However, over time, there were debates and discussions regarding the continuation of these privileges. The 26th Amendment Act put an end to this debate by abolishing the privy purses and other privileges granted to the former rulers of princely states.

With the enactment of this amendment, the government aimed to promote greater equality and integration within the Indian Union by removing the special status and privileges enjoyed by the erstwhile rulers. It was a significant step towards the consolidation of India as a democratic and unified nation