Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Quantitative Reasoning


Data Interpretation & Stats


The following pie chart and table shows the percentage wise distribution of Computers, say brand A and brand B by six shops during six-months July - December in the year 2022.

Total Number of Computers = 2400

Find the ratio of number of computers sold by A in the month of August to the number of computers sold in the month of December.


64 : 77

77 : 64

88 : 74

74 : 88

Correct Answer:

77 : 64


Total sale by A in august = (22% of 2400) × \(\frac{7}{15}\)

and sale by A in december = (16% of 2400) × \(\frac{8}{15}\)

Required ratio = 22% × 2400 × \(\frac{7}{15}\)  :  16% × 2400 × \(\frac{8}{15}\) = (22 × 7) : (16 × 8) = 77 : 64


Total number of Computers sold in August is 22%

100% = 2400

22% = 22% × 2400 = 528

Ratio of brand A and brand B computers in August is 7 : 8

15 Units = 528

Brand A (7 Units) = \(\frac{528}{15}\) × 7


Total number of Computers sold in December is 16%

100% = 2400

16% = 16% × 2400 = 384

Ratio of brand A and brand B computers in December is 8 : 7

15 Units = 384

Brand A (8 Units) = \(\frac{384}{15}\) × 8

Required ratio = \(\frac{528}{15}\) × 7 : \(\frac{384}{15}\) × 8 = 77 : 64