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Modern India: Colonial cities

A Lottery Committee was set up by Britishers in Calcutta in the early 19th Century. What was the work of this committee?
To raise funds for town improvement through public lotteries.
To chalk out a policy so that people can place bet on lotteries.
To chalk out a plan for development of sub urban areas of Calcutta.
To raise funds for developing roads and health infrastructure of Calcutta city
Correct Answer:
To raise funds for town improvement through public lotteries.
After Wellesley’s departure the work of town planning was carried on by the Lottery Committee (1817) with the help of the government. The Lottery Committee was so named because funds for town improvement were raised through public lotteries. In other words, in the early decades of the nineteenth century raising funds for the city was still thought to be the responsibility of public minded citizens and not exclusively that of the government.