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Target Exam



-- Mathematics - Section B2


Linear Programming


With reference to calculation of trend values if $n =7, ∑y= 630, ∑xy = 56 $ and $∑x^2 = 28,$ select the correct statements ?

(A) The value of 'a' of straight line trend is 2.

(B) The value of 'b' of a straight line trend is 2.

(C) Straight line trend equation is represented by $y = a- bx.$

(D) The algebraic sum of deviation of the actual values from trend values is -1.

(E) In a free hand curve method the area above the trend line should be almost equal to the area below it.


(B) and (C) only

(A) and (C) only

(B) and (E) only

(A) and (E) only

Correct Answer:

(B) and (E) only