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Target Exam





Grammar: Formation of Sentence


Choose the correct Assertive sentence for the given Exclamatory sentence:-

To think of our meeting here!


It is strange that we should meet here.

It is strange that we meet here.

It is strange that we must meet here.

It is strange that we have to meet here.

Correct Answer:

It is strange that we should meet here.


The correct answer is Option (1) → It is strange that we should meet here.

The original sentence "To think of our meeting here!" is an exclamatory statement expressing surprise or amazement about the idea of meeting in the current location.

The selected assertive sentence "It is strange that we should meet here." effectively conveys the same idea in a declarative or straightforward manner without the exclamatory tone.

Let us break down the assertive sentence:

"It is strange": This part of the sentence establishes that something unusual or unexpected is happening.

"that we should meet here": This part of the sentence directly states the surprising fact that "we" are meeting in the current location. The use of "should" indicates that the meeting is unexpected or not necessarily planned.

Together, the assertive sentence effectively communicates the same surprise or amazement expressed in the original exclamatory sentence, but in a more straightforward manner. It maintains the essence and meaning of the original sentence while removing the exclamatory tone.