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Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the following passage Answer the Questions:

The ridge at this point about fifty yards wide, and as the hut was on the south edge of the ridge, and the village on the north face of the hill, the latter was not visible from the former. I had been sitting on the rock for ten minutes when a head appeared over the crest from the direction of the village, followed by a second and a third. My friend the water-carrier had not been slow in informing the village of my arrival.

When strangers meet in India and wish to glean information from each other on any particular subject, it is customary to refrain from broaching the subject that has brought them together whether accidentally or of set purpose - until the very last moment and to fill up the interval by finding out everything concerning each other's domestic and private affairs; as, for instance, whether married and if so the number and sex of children and their ages; if not married, why not; occupation and amount of pay, and so on. Questions that would in any other part of the world earn one a thick ear, are in India - and especially in our hills - asked so artlessly and universally that no one who has lived among the people, dreams of taking offence at them.

Choose the factually correct sentences from the following :

(A) The village was visible from the hut.
(B) The hut was on the south edge of the ridge
(C) The water carrier came from the direction of the village
(D) The villagers came with urgent news
(E) The villagers asked the narrator many questions

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


(A), (C), (D) Only

(B) and (E) Only

(A), (B) and (E) Only

(C) and (D) Only

Correct Answer:

(B) and (E) Only


The correct answer is Option (2) - (B) and (E) Only