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General Test


General Knowledge


Ancient History


Which of the following animal is not carved on Sarnath pillar?




Humped Bull


Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option 4- Cow

The Sarnath Pillar is also called the Lion Capital at Sarnath.

Description of the Lion Capital at Sarath: The Lion Capital itself is renowned for its exquisite artistry and symbolic importance. It is carved out of a single block of polished sandstone and features four majestic lions standing back to back atop an abacus. The lions are intricately carved with their heads turned in four cardinal directions, symbolizing the spread of Buddhism to the four corners of the earth.
Below the lions, there are a series of other symbolic elements. These include a circular abacus adorned with intricate carvings of four animals: a horse, a bull, an elephant, and a lion, separated by intervening wheels known as the "Dharmachakra" or the Wheel of Dharma. These animals are believed to represent the Buddha's first sermon in the Deer Park at Sarnath, where he preached about the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path.
The abacus is supported by a bell-shaped lotus, which in turn rests on a square base with carvings of geese and other ornamental motifs. The entire composition is rich in symbolism, reflecting Buddhist teachings and principles.