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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge




How will the addition of turmeric affect the colour of lime water?


The solution becomes blue in colour

The solution becomes red in colour

The solution becomes yellow in colour

The solution becomes pink in colour

Correct Answer:

The solution becomes red in colour


The correct answer is option 2. The solution becomes red in colour.

Turmeric contains a yellow pigment known as curcumin, which can act as a pH indicator. In the presence of an alkaline solution, such as lime water (calcium hydroxide solution), turmeric undergoes a color change.

In alkaline conditions, turmeric turns from yellow to red. This change in color is due to the interaction between curcumin and the basic environment. The red color is more pronounced in strong alkaline solutions.

So, when turmeric is added to lime water, the lime water being alkaline, you would observe a color change from yellow to red, indicating the presence of a base. This property makes turmeric a natural and easily recognizable pH indicator in certain applications.