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Target Exam





Indian Society: Continuity and Change

Theoretically, the caste system can be understood as the combination of two sets of principles, one based on difference and separation and the other on wholism and hierarchy. Each caste is supposed to be different from – and is therefore strictly separated from – every other caste.
Name the social practice which keeps the separation and segregation of castes without change.
The practice of caste endogamy.
The practice of Caste exogamy.
The practise of untouchability.
Caste wars.
Correct Answer:
The practice of caste endogamy.
Endogamy, or the practice of marrying within the caste, remained largely unaffected by modernisation and change. Even today, most marriages take place within caste boundaries, although there are more intercaste marriages. While some boundaries may have become more flexible or porous, the borders between groups of castes of similar socio-economic status are still heavily patrolled.