Practicing Success

Target Exam





Attitudes and Social Cognition


Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct?

Statement 1: Values encompass the cognitive component of attitudes and serve as the foundation upon which attitudes are built.

Statement 2: Values form when a specific belief or attitude becomes an integral part of an individual's overall perspective on life, making them resistant to change.



Only 1 is correct.


Only 2 is correct.


Both statements are correct.



None of the statement is correct.

Correct Answer:

Only 2 is correct.



Attitudes must be distinguished from two closely related concepts: beliefs and values. Beliefs encompass the cognitive component of attitudes and serve as the foundation upon which attitudes are built. They can include beliefs in God or beliefs in democracy as a political ideology. Values, on the other hand, are attitudes or beliefs that contain a sense of what should or ought to be, such as moral or ethical values. An example of a value is the notion that one should work hard or always be honest because honesty is the best policy. Values form when a specific belief or attitude becomes an integral part of an individual's overall perspective on life, making them resistant to change.