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Target Exam





Human Health and Disease


  Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :-
In a study to test a new vaccine against the viral disease, mouse model testing is done. In this process, mice are vaccinated and their blood samples were tested. Mice developed mild disease symptoms. After a few days, those mice were again infected with the virus. This time they do not show any disease symptoms. Their blood samples were tested. Two graphs show antibody concentration for the first and second infection in mice blood.

Which of the following antibodies will represent P and Q ?
IgG and IgM
IgE and IgA
IgD and IgM
IgE and IgG
Correct Answer:
IgG and IgM
IgG composes 75% of our immunoglobulin pool and stimulates phagocytic cells , activates the complement system ,binds neutrophils ,opsonizes and can neutralise toxins. IgM makes up 7-10% of our total antibodies and is the predominant early antibody; the one that first activates in an initial attack of antigen.