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Medieval India: Bhakti Sufi Traditions


Read the passage and answer the question:

We have seen that historians draw on a variety of sources to reconstruct histories of religious traditions – these include sculpture, architecture, stories about religious preceptors, compositions attributed to women and men engaged in the quest of understanding the nature of the Divine.A wide range of texts were produced in and around sufi khanqahs. These included: Treatises or manuals dealing with sufi thought and practices, Malfuzat, Maktubat and Tazkiras. They are some of the varieties of sources used to reconstruct the history of sufi traditions.

What is the name of the letters of the seventeenth-century Sufi saint- 'Naqshbandi Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi' which are often contrasted with the liberal and non-sectarian views of Akbar?


Maktubat-i Imam Rabbani



None of the above

Correct Answer:

Maktubat-i Imam Rabbani


The correct answer is Option 1 - Maktubat-i Imam Rabbani

Maktubat (literally, “written” collections of letters); letters written by sufi masters, addressed to their disciples and associates – While these tell us about the shaikh’s experience of religious truth that he wanted to share with others, they also reflect the life conditions of the recipients and are responses to their aspirations and difficulties, both spiritual and mundane. The letters, known as Maktubat-i Imam Rabbani, of the noted seventeenth-century Naqshbandi Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi (d.1624), whose ideology is often contrasted with the liberal and non-sectarian views of Akbar, are amongst those most frequently discussed by scholars.