Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence


Answer the following questions after reading the paragraph

Reena’s grandmother was telling her about how the life was when India was under the colonial rule. Her Grandmother said ,” How much blessed you are to be born in 20th century Reena, I will tell you about how our life looked back then. I used to sell hand made carpets in the market which were sold at a very high price but after some time I noticed that the demand in the market reduced due to machines that Britishers imported. So, I thought of switching to farming, but we weren’t able to fulfil our basic needs also as the ownership rights of the land now belonged to Raju and we were just mere peasants. Apart from that our right to choice was also taken away and we were forced to grow certain crops only. Had I been well educated I would have done something else but at that time no one used to study. But my child! you should study well and do something good with your life."

Which of the following was NOT an item of import during British India?


Woolen Clothes

Silk Clothes

Light Machinery

None of the above

Correct Answer:

None of the above


India has been an important trading nation since ancient times. But the restrictive policies of commodity production, trade and tariff pursued by the colonial government adversely affected the structure, composition and volume of India’s foreign trade. Consequently, India became an exporter of primary products such as raw silk, cotton, wool, sugar, indigo, jute etc. and an importer of finished consumer goods like cotton, silk and woollen clothes and capital goods like light machinery produced in the factories of Britain.