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Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence


Which of the following was NOT one of the main purpose of roads built by the British in India?


to facilitate the transportation of raw materials from rural areas to the nearest railway stations or ports for export to England and other foreign markets.

to provide essential amenities to the people

serving the military's needs of Britishers within India

none of the above

Correct Answer:

to provide essential amenities to the people


During the colonial rule, there was some development in basic infrastructure in India, including railways, ports, water transport, posts, and telegraphs. However, the primary motive behind these developments was not to provide essential amenities to the people but to serve various colonial interests.

Before British rule, the roads in India were not suitable for modern transportation. The roads constructed during the colonial period primarily served the military's needs within India and facilitated the transportation of raw materials from rural areas to the nearest railway stations or ports for export to England and other foreign markets. As a result, there was a lack of all-weather roads in rural areas, causing significant suffering during natural calamities and famines.