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General Test


General Knowledge


Who is the author of the book titled 'The Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire'?


Pankaj Mishra

Shashi Tharoor

VP Menon

William Dalrymple

Correct Answer:

William Dalrymple


The correct answer is Option (4) - William Dalrymple

"The Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire" is written by William Dalrymple. In this book, Dalrymple delves into the history of the East India Company, exploring its rise to power, its impact on India, and its role in shaping the course of British colonialism in the Indian subcontinent. Through meticulous research and compelling narrative, Dalrymple exposes the exploitation and violence perpetuated by the East India Company, shedding light on a crucial period in history that continues to influence contemporary perspectives on imperialism and corporate power.