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Target Exam



Business Studies


Business Environment


'The business environment keeps on changing in terms of technological improvement and shift in consumer preference. "Identify the feature of Business Environment highlighted in a given statement.


Dynamic nature




Correct Answer:

Dynamic nature


The correct answer is option (1) : Dynamic nature

The feature of the business environment highlighted in the given statement is:

Dynamic nature

The statement mentions that the business environment keeps on changing, which emphasizes its dynamic nature. The dynamic nature of the business environment means that it is subject to continuous and often rapid changes, including technological improvements and shifts in consumer preferences.

Uncertainty: Business environments are characterized by uncertainty due to various factors such as changes in economic conditions, market trends, government policies, and external events (e.g., natural disasters or geopolitical shifts). This uncertainty can make it challenging for businesses to predict future conditions accurately.

Complex: Business environments are often complex, involving a multitude of factors, including economic, political, social, technological, and competitive elements. These factors are interrelated and can impact each other, making the overall environment intricate and multifaceted.

Inter-relatedness: The various elements of the business environment are interconnected and influence each other. Changes in one aspect of the environment can have cascading effects on other factors. For example, a technological advancement may impact consumer preferences, and changes in consumer preferences can affect market demand.