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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Security in the Contemporary World


Which among the following is not a non-tradional source of threat to the world security?


Health epidemics


Military threats

Global poverty

Correct Answer:

Military threats


The correct answer is option (3) - Military threats

In the traditional conception of security, the greatest danger to a country is from military threats.

Non-traditional views of security have been called ‘human security’ or ‘global security’.
Non-Traditional notions of security go beyond military threats to include a wide range of threats and dangers affecting the conditions of human existence. They begin by questioning the traditional referent of security. In doing so, they also question the other three elements of security — what is being secured, from what kind of threats and the approach to security. When we say referent we mean ‘Security for who?’ In the traditional security conception, the referent is the state with its territory and governing institutions. In the non-traditional conceptions, the referent is expanded. When we ask ‘Security for who?’ proponents of non-traditional security reply ‘Not just the state but also individuals or communities or indeed all of humankind’. Non-traditional views of security have been called ‘human security’ or ‘global security'.