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Target Exam





Grammar: Preposition


Choose the sentence with the correct preposition:-


I have not met Rita since last year.

I have not met Rita for last year.

I have not met Rita in last year.

I have not met Rita to last year.

Correct Answer:

I have not met Rita since last year.


The correct answer is Option (1) → I have not met Rita since last year.

Here's why:

    • "Since" is used to refer to a specific point in time in the past from which an action or state began and continues up to the present. In this case, "since last year" indicates that you haven't met Rita at any point from last year until now.

    • "For" is typically used to indicate a duration of time. While it can be used in some cases to refer to a point in time ("for a week", for example), it's less natural than "since" in the context of not meeting someone since a specific year.

    • "In" usually refers to a location or position within a period of time (e.g., "in the morning"). It's not suitable here.


      "To" indicates movement towards something and isn't appropriate in this context.