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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Security in the Contemporary World


Which of the following is NOT a classification of Human Rights?


Rights of colonised people or ethnic and indigenous minorities.

Political Rights

Economic and Social Rights

None of the above

Correct Answer:

None of the above


The correct answer is Option 4 - None of the above

Human rights have come to be classified into three types.

The first type is political rights such as freedom of speech and assembly.

The second type is economic and social rights.

The third type is the rights of colonised people or ethnic and indigenous minorities.

While there is broad agreement on this classification, there is no agreement on which set of rights should be considered as universal human rights, nor what the international community should do when rights are being violated. Since the 1990s, developments such as Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, the genocide in Rwanda, and the Indonesian military’s killing of people in East Timor have led to a debate on whether or not the UN should intervene to stop human rights abuses. There are those who argue that the UN Charter empowers the international community to take up arms in defence of human rights. Others argue that the national interests of the powerful states will determine which instances of human rights violations the UN will act upon.