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General Test


General Knowledge


Medieval History


In which of the following battles, the artillery was used for the first time?


First Battle of Panipat

Battle of Tarain

Second battle of Panipat

Third battle of Panipat

Correct Answer:

First Battle of Panipat


The correct answer is Option 1- First Battle of Panipat

The First Battle of Panipat was the first battle in India where artillery was used
. Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire, used artillery to defeat Ibrahim Lodi, the last Sultan of the Delhi Sultanate, in 1526.

The other battles you mentioned did not involve the use of artillery:

  • Battle of Tarain (1191): This was the first battle between the Muslim invaders and the Hindu Rajputs of India.
  • Second Battle of Panipat (1556): This was a battle between the Mughal emperor Akbar and the Afghan warlord Hemu.
  • Third Battle of Panipat (1761): This was a battle between the Maratha Empire and the Afghan Durrani Empire.