Target Exam





Dissolution of Partnership Firm


A & B were partners in a partnership firm. Due to the ill health of B they decided to dissolve the firm. The position of assets and liabilities on the date of dissolution was:

Loan by B 20000 Goodwill 30000
Capitals   Furniture 40000
A 100000   Building 90000
B 140000 240000 Debtors 50000
    Cash 50000
  260000   260000

It was agreed that following transactions will take place:

a) A wanted to start the business in sole proprietorship so he took building and furniture at 10% less than book value.
b) All the debtors proved good except a person C who did not pay ₹10000

Due to ill health of B, they decided to dissolve the firm. It comes under.................form of dissolution.


Dissolution by notice

On happening of certain contingencies

Dissolution by court

Dissolution by agreement

Correct Answer:

Dissolution by agreement


Dissolution of a firm takes place in any of the following ways:
* 1. Dissolution by Agreement: A firm is dissolved : (a) with the consent of all the partners or (b) in accordance with a contract between the partners.
* 2. Compulsory Dissolution: A firm is dissolved compulsorily in the following cases: (a) when all the partners or all but one partner, become insolvent, rendering them incompetent to sign a contract; (b) when the business of the firm becomes illegal; or (c) when some event has taken place which makes it unlawful for the partners to carry on the business of the firm in partnership, e.g., when a partner who is a citizen of a country becomes an alien enemy because of the declaration of war with his country and India.
* 3. On the happening of certain contingencies: Subject to contract between the partners, a firm is dissolved : (a) if constituted for a fixed term, by the expiry of that term; (b) if constituted to carry out one or more ventures, by the completion thereof; (c) by the death of a partner; (d) by the adjudication of a partner as an insolvent.
* 4. Dissolution by Notice: In case of partnership at will, the firm may be dissolved if any one of the partners gives a notice in writing to the other partners, signifying his intention of seeking dissolution of the firm.
* 5. Dissolution by Court: At the suit of a partner, the court may order a partnership firm to be dissolved on any of the following grounds: (a) when a partner becomes insane; (b) when a partner becomes permanently incapable of performing his duties as a partner.