Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Mathematical Operations


Select the option in which the numbers shares the same relationship in set as that shared by the numbers in the given set. (NOTE: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers, without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g.13 - Operations on 13 such as adding /subtracting /multiplying etc. to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed)

(169, 1681, 529)

(144, 576, 1024)


(196, 289, 224)

(144, 121, 999)

(624, 785, 256)

(625, 784, 256)

Correct Answer:

(625, 784, 256)


(169, 1681, 529)

(144, 576, 1024)

There numbers are square of any one number

as we know

169  ,  1681 , 529

132 , 412 , 232

and     144,  576,  1024

           122 , 242 , 322

Therefore option 4 is correct following the same kind of pattern

          (625, 784, 256)

           252 , 282 , 162