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Business Studies




Which of the following combinations correct for a promotion mix.

A. Advertising, sales promotion

B. Advertising, public relations, physical distribution.

C. Personal selling, standardisation, Grading

D. Advertising, personal selling and public relation

E. Personal selling, order processing

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


B and D only

A and D only

A, D and E only

B, D and E only

Correct Answer:

A and D only


The correct answer is option (2) : A and D only

These include: (i) Advertising, (ii) Personal Selling, (iii) Sales Promotion, and (iv) Publicity.

Certainly, I can explain each of these marketing promotion techniques:

1. Advertising: 

-Advertising is a paid form of communication that a company uses to promote its products, services, or brand to a broad audience.

-It typically involves the use of various media such as television, radio, print (newspapers and magazines), online (banners, social media), outdoor (billboards), and more.

2.Personal Selling:

-Personal selling is a one-on-one communication between a salesperson and a potential customer

- It is a direct and personal approach to sales and is often used for high-value, complex, or customizable products or services.

3. Sales Promotion:

- Sales promotion refers to short-term promotional activities that are designed to stimulate immediate sales or attract customers.

- This includes tactics such as discounts, coupons, contests, free samples, loyalty programs, and other incentives.

4 Publicity:

- Publicity is a non-paid form of promotion where a company or brand is featured in media or news outlets without direct advertising costs.

- It can be both positive and negative and is often the result of news coverage, events, or public interest.

Each of these promotion techniques serves different purposes and can be part of a comprehensive marketing strategy, depending on a company's goals, target audience, and producers or services.