Practicing Success

Target Exam





Inorganic: P Block Elements


Identify the correct statement(s):

1. Fluorine is a stronger oxidizing agent than chlorine.

2. Sulphur in vapour state shows paramagnetic behaviour

3. \(H_2S\) is more acidic than \(H_2Te\)

4. Fluorine form two oxoacids \(HOF\), \(HOFO\)

Choose the correct answers from the options given below:


A and B only

B and C only

A, B, C, D only

A and C only

Correct Answer:

A and B only


The correct answer is option 1. A and B only

Let us analyze each statement:

A. Fluorine is a stronger oxidizing agent than chlorine.

This statement is true. Fluorine is more electronegative than chlorine, so it has a higher tendency to gain electrons (oxidize other substances) compared to chlorine. Therefore, fluorine is a stronger oxidizing agent than chlorine.

B. Sulfur in the vapor state shows paramagnetic behavior.

This statement is true. In the vapor state, sulfur (\(S_8\)) exists as \(S_2\) molecules. Each \(S_2\) molecule has two unpaired electrons, making sulfur paramagnetic.

C. \(H_2S\) is more acidic than \(H_2Te\)

This statement is false. Acidity increases down a group in the periodic table. Since tellurium (\(Te\)) is below sulfur (\(S\)) in the same group (Group 16 or Group VI-A), \(H_2Te\) is expected to be more acidic than \(H_2S\).

D. Fluorine forms two oxoacids \(HOF\) and \(HOFO\).

This statement is false. Fluorine does not form oxoacids. It primarily forms hydrofluoric acid (\(HF\)), which is not an oxoacid.

So, the correct choice is: 1. A and B only