Practicing Success

Target Exam







Choose the option that is the indirect form of the sentence.

“Get out of this room”, the officer shouted at the cadet.


The officer shouted at the cadet and asked him to get out of that room.

The officer shouted at the cadet and asked him to get out of this room.

The officer shouts at the cadet and asks him to go out of that room.

The officer shouting at the cadet and asking him to go out of the room.

Correct Answer:

The officer shouted at the cadet and asked him to get out of that room.


The correct indirect form of the sentence is: OPTION 1

"The officer shouted at the cadet and asked him to get out of that room."


  • The original sentence is in direct speech, reporting an action.
  • In the indirect form, the reporting verb ("shouted") is maintained in past tense ("asked") as it's reporting a past action.
  • The pronouns are kept consistent, so "this room" becomes "that room" to reflect the perspective shift.
  • The correct option accurately reports the officer's command and request in indirect speech, maintaining the essence of the original sentence.

The other options are incorrect because they do not make the necessary changes to the pronouns or the tense of the verbs.

  • The option "The officer shouts at the cadet and asks him to go out of that room" uses the present tense of the verb "shout".
  • The option "The officer shouting at the cadet and asking him to go out of the room" does not use a reporting verb.
  • The option "The officer shouted at the cadet and asked him to get out of this room" does not change the pronoun "this" to "that".