Practicing Success

Target Exam





Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance


Two connected charges of +q and -q respectively are a fixed distance AB apart in a non uniform electric field whose lines of force are shown in the figure. The resultant effect on the two charges is


a torque in the plane of the paper and no resultant force

a resultant force in the plane of the paper and no torque

a torque normal to the plane of the paper and no resultant force

a torque normal to the plane of the paper and a resultant force in the plane of the paper

Correct Answer:

a torque normal to the plane of the paper and a resultant force in the plane of the paper


The electric field line show that there is negative charge present nearby the positive charge.

Now, F1>F2 because of non-uniform electric field.
 there will  be a force in the plane of paper.
Next there will be a torque  to align the charge. i.e. to move +ve charge downwards and ve charge upward which will result of a torque normal to the plane of the surface.