Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Numerical Ability


Time, Speed and Distance


Ram starts from point A at 8 a.m. and reaches point B at at 2 p.m. on the same day. On the same day, Raju starts from point B at 8 a.m. reaches point A at 6 p.m. on the same day. Both points A and B are separated by only  a straight line track. At what time they both meet ?


11 : 45 a.m.

9 : 42 a.m.

10 : 42 a.m.

12 : 42 p.m.

Correct Answer:

11 : 45 a.m.


Let  Distance from A to B = D km

Time taken by A to reach B = 6 hour

So , Speed = \(\frac{D}{6}\) km/h

Time taken by B to reach A = 10 hour

So , Speed = \(\frac{D}{10}\) km/h

Relative speed ( when both moves in opposite direction) = \(\frac{D}{6}\)  + \(\frac{D}{10}\) 

= \(\frac{16D}{60}\)

Time taken when both A & B meet = \(\frac{D × 60  }{16D}\) = 3.75 hours

So meeting time is = 8am + 3.75 hours = 11:45 am