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Target Exam





Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the given Idiom:-

Hole and corner policy 


Secretive and clandestine plan

Digging hole in ground

Doing work in haste

Without hope

Correct Answer:

Secretive and clandestine plan


The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "hole and corner policy" is a secretive and clandestine plan. The idiom comes from the idea of hiding something in a hole in the corner, which is a place where it is not likely to be seen. In a figurative sense, to say that something is a "hole and corner policy" means that it is a plan that is being kept secret, often because it is considered to be unethical or illegal.

The other options are not as accurate descriptions of the meaning of the idiom. Digging hole in ground is not the same as a hole and corner policy. Doing work in haste is not typically associated with the idiom "hole and corner policy." Without hope is not typically associated with the idiom "hole and corner policy."