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Which of the following models are not the same as Thomson Model of Atom?


plum pudding model 

watermelon model

raisin pudding model

nuclear model

Correct Answer:

nuclear model


The correct answer is option 4. nuclear model.

The model that is not the same as the Thomson Model of Atom is nuclear model

Thomson model (plum pudding model, raisin pudding model): This model proposed by J.J. Thomson in 1904, depicted the atom as a positively charged sphere with negatively charged electrons scattered throughout, resembling raisins in a pudding.

Nuclear model: This model, proposed by Ernest Rutherford in 1911, revolutionized the understanding of the atom. It proposed a central, dense, positively charged nucleus containing protons and surrounded by much smaller, negatively charged electrons orbiting at a distance.

Therefore, while the first three options (plum pudding model, watermelon model, raisin pudding model) are all different names for the same model as Thomson's, the nuclear model drastically differs in its description of the atom and its components.