Target Exam





Modern India: Colonial cities


Arrange the following events in chronological order:

A) Plague starts spreading to major cities
B) British takeover of the Deccan 
C) First spinning and weaving mill in Bombay
D) Madras Harbour completed

Choose the correct answer from the given options:


B, D, A, C

B, C, D, A

C, D, A, B

C, A, D, B

Correct Answer:

B, C, D, A


The correct answer is Option 2 - B,C,D,A

B) 1818: British takeover of the Deccan
C) 1857: First spinning and weaving mill in Bombay
D) 1881: Madras Harbour completed
A) 1896: Plague starts spreading to major cities

Important events of 19th century:

1803: Lord Wellesley’s Minute on Calcutta town improvement
1818: British takeover of the Deccan; Bombay becomes the capital of the new province
1853: Railway from Bombay to Thane
1857: First spinning and weaving mill in Bombay
1857: Universities in Bombay, Madras and Calcutta
1870s: Beginning of elected representatives in municipalities
1881: Madras harbour completed
1896: First screening of a film at Watson’s Hotel, Bombay
1896: Plague starts spreading to major cities