Target Exam





Medieval India: Through the Eyes of Travellers


Ibn Battuta was a foreign traveller who had visited India. He belonged to which of the following countries and wrote his account of India in which language?


Turkey, Turkish

Persia, Persian

Morocco, Arabic

Saudi Arabia, Arabic

Correct Answer:

Morocco, Arabic


The correct answer is Option 3 - Morocco, Arabic

Ibn Battuta’s book of travels, called Rihla, written in Arabic, provides extremely rich and interesting details about the social and cultural life in the subcontinent in the fourteenth century. He was from Morocco.

More about Ibn Battuta:

Ibn Battuta belonged to Morocco.
He wrote his account of his travels, including his visit to India, in Arabic.  
The Rihla too is written in Arabic.
Ibn Battuta arrived in India around 1333 AD, traveling overland through Central Asia. He spent a significant amount of time in Delhi during the reign of Sultan Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq. He even served the Sultan for a brief period as a judge (qazi).
Ibn Battuta's remarkable travels are documented in his book, "The Rihla" (meaning "The Travels").