Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Local Governments


Who heads the municipal governments in Bolivia?


Appointed governors

Elected senators

Elected mayors

Appointed Prime Ministers

Correct Answer:

Elected mayors


The correct answer is Option 3- Elected mayors

In Bolivia, municipal governments are headed by popularly-elected mayors (presidente municipal), supported by a municipal council (cabildo).

Bolivia is frequently cited as one of the most successful cases of democratic decentralisation in Latin America. In 1994, the Popular Participation Law decentralised power to the local level, allowing for the popular election of mayors, dividing the country into municipalities, and crafting a system of automatic fiscal transfers to the new municipalities. Bolivia is divided into 314 municipal governments. These governments in Bolivia are headed by popularly-elected mayors (presidente municipal) and a municipal council (cabildo). Local elections occur nationwide every five years.