Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Nature and significance of Management


'An organisation consists of diverse individuals with different needs who join the organisation for different purpose but as members of the organisation they work together to achieve organisational goal.'

Which feature of management is being highlighted here?


Goal Oriented

Pervasive function

Continuous process

Group activity

Correct Answer:

Group activity


The correct answer is option 4- Group activity.

Management is a group activity is highlighted in the given statement.

Management is a group activity: An organisation is a collection of diverse individuals with different needs. Every member of the group has a different purpose for joining the organisation but as members of the organisation they work towards fulfilling the common organisational goal. This requires team work and coordination of individual effort in a common direction.



  • Management is a goal-oriented process: An organisation has a set of basic goals which are the basic reason for its existence. These should be simple and clearly stated. Different organisations have different goals. For example, the goal of a retail store may be to increase sales, but the goal of The Spastics Society of India is to impart education to children with special needs. Management unites the efforts of different individuals in the organisation towards achieving these goals.
  • Management is a continuous process: The process of management is a series of continuous, composite, but separate functions (planning, organising, directing, staffing and controlling). These functions are simultaneously performed by all managers all the time.
  • Management is all pervasive: The activities involved in managing an enterprise are common to all organisations whether economic, social or political. A petrol pump needs to be managed as much as a hospital or a school. What managers do in India, the USA, Germany or Japan is the same. How they do it may be quite different. This difference is due to the differences in culture, tradition and history.