Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Read the following case study and answer questions.

Mr. Arun is a Chief Manager of a reputed company that manufactures garments. He called the production manager and instructed him to keep a constant and continuous check on all the activities related to his department so that everything goes as per the set plan. He also suggested him to track the performance of all the employees in the organisation so that targets are achieved effectively and efficiently.

Which of the following management function is being performed by Mr. Arun in the above case?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option 3- controlling.

Mr. Arun is performing the management function of controlling in the above case. Controlling is the process of monitoring and evaluating the performance of an organization and taking corrective action as needed. It is the fourth and final function of management, after planning, organizing, staffing and directing.

In the case of Mr. Arun, he is instructing the production manager to keep a constant and continuous check on all the activities related to his department so that everything goes as per the set plan. He is also suggesting the production manager to track the performance of all the employees in the organisation so that targets are achieved effectively and efficiently. These are all examples of controlling activities.


The following points of controlling is highlighted in the above case-

a. Controlling facilitates the achievement of set goals by monitoring progress and enabling managers to implement corrective measures when deviations occur. This ensures that the organization remains aligned with its strategic direction.

b. It plays a crucial role in verifying the relevance and accuracy of established standards, monitoring any organizational changes, and adjusting these standards accordingly to remain relevant.

c. By overseeing resource use, controlling helps minimize waste and spoilage, thereby ensuring resources are utilized in the most efficient manner possible.

d. Controlling clarifies for employees their roles and the performance standards against which they will be evaluated. This clarity motivates employees and encourages them to make positive contributions to the organization.