Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined segment in the given sentence.

Ms. Tina could finish the assignment by Friday - at a push, Wednesday.


try very hard to do something, usually something nice

probably possible, but it will be difficult

make more of an effort

using whatever methods are necessary

Correct Answer:

probably possible, but it will be difficult


The most appropriate meaning of the underlined segment in the given sentence is probably possible, but it will be difficult.

The idiom "at a push" means that something is possible, but only with a lot of effort. It is often used to describe a situation where someone is trying to do something that they are not sure they can do, but they are willing to try.

In the sentence, Ms. Tina could finish the assignment by Friday - at a push, Wednesday. This means that Ms. Tina could finish the assignment by Wednesday, but it would be difficult and she would have to work very hard.

The other options are not correct.

  • Try very hard to do something, usually something nice: This is not the same as at a push. At a push means that something is possible, but only with a lot of effort.
  • Make more of an effort: This is not the same as at a push. At a push means that something is possible, but only with a lot of effort.
  • Using whatever methods are necessary: This is not the same as at a push. At a push means that something is possible, but only with a lot of effort.