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General Knowledge


Which of the following Harappan sites is in Haryana?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option 3- Rakhigarhi

Rakhigarhi is a Harappan site in Haryana.

Kalibangan, Lothal, and Dholavira are all Harappan sites, but they are located in Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Gujarat, respectively.

Rakhigarhi is one of the largest Harappan sites in India. It is located in the Hisar district of Haryana, about 150 kilometers northwest of Delhi. Rakhigarhi was occupied from around 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE. It was a major center of trade and commerce, and it had a population of over 40,000 people.

Rakhigarhi was first excavated in 1997 by the Archaeological Survey of India. The excavations have revealed a well-planned city with a grid layout of streets. The city also had a number of public buildings, including a large granary, a bathhouse, and a drainage system.

Rakhigarhi is an important archaeological site because it provides insights into the Harappan civilization. It is one of the few Harappan sites that has been excavated extensively, and it has yielded a wealth of artifacts, including pottery, seals, and tools.

The discovery of Rakhigarhi has also helped to rewrite the history of the Harappan civilization. It was previously thought that the Harappan civilization was centered around the Indus River Valley, but Rakhigarhi shows that the Harappan civilization extended much further east.