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Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Infrastructure


Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

  1. India’s installed capacity to generate electricity is not sufficient to feed the high economic growth.
  2. In order to meet the growing demand for electricity, India’s commercial energy supply needs to grow by about 14 percent.
  3. At present, India is able to add only 2,000 MW a year.
  4. State Electricity Boards (SEBs), which distribute electricity, incur losses exceeding `20,000' crores. This is due to transmission and distribution losses.

C and D

A and B

B and C

A and D

Correct Answer:

A and D


India’s installed capacity to generate electricity is not sufficient to feed the high economic growth.

In order to meet the growing demand for electricity, India’s commercial energy supply needs to grow by about 7 percent.

At present, India is able to add only 20,000 MW a year.

State Electricity Boards (SEBs), which distribute electricity, incur losses exceeding `20,000' crores. This is due to transmission and distribution losses.