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Target Exam







What are the four aspects that function as a unit in an ecosystem?


Productivity, decomposition, energy flow, and nutrient cycling

Species composition, stratification, solar input, and climatic conditions

Abiotic components, autotrophic components, consumers, and decomposers

Radiant energy, heterotrophs, mineralization, and unidirectional movement

Correct Answer:

Productivity, decomposition, energy flow, and nutrient cycling


The correct answer is (a) Productivity, decomposition, energy flow, and nutrient cycling.

  1. Productivity: Productivity refers to the rate at which energy is captured and converted into organic matter by primary producers (autotrophs) through photosynthesis. It represents the foundation of the food web and provides energy for all other organisms in the ecosystem.
  2. Decomposition: Decomposition is the process by which organic matter, such as dead plant and animal material, is broken down and recycled by decomposers (bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms). Decomposition releases nutrients back into the ecosystem, making them available for uptake by plants and other organisms.
  3. Energy flow: Energy flow refers to the transfer and transformation of energy from one trophic level to another within the ecosystem. Energy flows through the food chain or food web as organisms consume and are consumed by others. Energy is transferred through trophic levels, and with each transfer, some energy is lost as heat.
  4. Nutrient cycling: Nutrient cycling involves the movement and recycling of essential nutrients within an ecosystem. Nutrients, such as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and others, are taken up by organisms, incorporated into their tissues, released through waste or upon death, and then reused by other organisms. Nutrient cycling ensures a continuous supply of nutrients for the growth and functioning of the ecosystem.

These four aspects work together as a unit in an ecosystem, contributing to the overall functioning and sustainability of the system. They are interconnected and depend on each other to maintain the flow of energy and the cycling of nutrients, supporting the growth and interactions of the biotic components within the ecosystem.