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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Manimekalai describes the story of which of the following ?


Kovalan and Madhavi's Daughter

Kovalan's wife Madhavi

Kovalan's first wife Kannagi 

Kovalan and Madhavi's Son 

Correct Answer:

Kovalan and Madhavi's Daughter


The correct answer is Option (1) - Kovalan and Madhavi's Daughter

  • Kovalan and Madhavi's Daughter
    • Manimekalai describes the story of Kovalan and Madhavi's Daughter.
    • The daughter of Kovalan and Madhavi, who takes after her mother's career as a dancer and Buddhist nun, is also known by the name Manimekalai.
    • Kulavanikan Seethalai Sataar penned the Tamil-Buddhist epic Manimekalai in the sixth century.
    • It is an "anti-love narrative" that includes some of the heroes and their offspring from the "love romance" in the first Tamil epic Silappadikaram.
    • The epic contains 30 cantos and 4,861 lines in the akaval metre.