Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who among the following defeated Harshavardhana when he invaded the Chalukya kingdom in the Deccan?



Pulakesin II

Vikramaditya l

Kirtivarman I

Correct Answer:

Pulakesin II


The correct answer is Option 2- Pulakesin II

Pulakesin II defeated Harshavardhana when he invaded the Chalukya kingdom in the Deccan.

Pulakesin II was the ruler of the Chalukya dynasty from 610 to 642 CE. He was a powerful and ambitious ruler, and he expanded the Chalukya kingdom into the Deccan region.

Harshavardhana was the ruler of the Vardhana dynasty from 606 to 647 CE. He was also a powerful and ambitious ruler, and he sought to expand his empire into the Deccan region.

In 630 CE, Harshavardhana invaded the Chalukya kingdom. However, he was defeated by Pulakesin II at the Battle of Narmada. The Battle of Narmada was a decisive victory for the Chalukyas, and it prevented Harshavardhana from expanding his empire into the Deccan region.

The defeat of Harshavardhana by Pulakesin II was a major event in Indian history. It showed that the Chalukyas were a powerful force in India, and it also helped to establish the Chalukya dynasty as one of the leading dynasties in India.