Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Business Environment


Which of the following is a component of social environment?

A) The degree of politicisation of business and economic issues
B) Birth and death rates
C) Concern with quality of life
D) Educational system and literacy rates
E) The extent and nature of government intervention in business
F) Balance of payments and changes in foreign exchange reserves

Choose the correct answer from the options given below.


A, D and E only

B, C and D only

A, C and E only

C, E & F

Correct Answer:

B, C and D only


The correct answer is option 2.

A) The degree of politicisation of business and economic issues- Political factor
B) Birth and death rates- SOCIAL FACTOR
C) Concern with quality of life- SOCIAL FACTOR
D) Educational system and literacy rates- SOCIAL FACTOR
E) The extent and nature of government intervention in business- Political factor
F) Balance of payments and changes in foreign exchange reserves- Economic factor

Major Elements of Social Environment

* Attitudes towards product innovations, lifestyles, occupational distribution and consumer preferences
* Concern with quality of life
* Life expectancy
* Expectations from the workforce
* Shifts in the presence of women in the workforce
* Birth and death rates
* Population shifts
* Educational system and literacy rates
* Consumption habits
* Composition of family