Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Regional Aspirations


Match the following: 

List 1 (Leaders) List 2 (Work)
(i) E.V. Ramasami ‘Periyar’. (a) Opposed Pakistan due to its non-secular character
(ii) Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah (b) Advocated formation of a separate Punjab State.
(iii) Master Tara Singh (c) Opposed Hindi language and domination of North India
(iv) Rajiv Gandhi (d) Pressed for a more open economy and computer technology

(i)–(c), (ii)–(a), (iii)–(b), (iv)–(d)

(i)–(a), (ii)–(c), (iii)–(b), (iv)–(d)

(i)–(c), (ii)–(a), (iii)–(d), (iv)–(b)

(i)–(b), (ii)–(c), (iii)–(a), (iv)–(d)

Correct Answer:

(i)–(c), (ii)–(a), (iii)–(b), (iv)–(d)


E.V. Ramasami Naicker (1879-1973), widely known as Periyar was a vocal critic of Hindi imposition and the perceived dominance of northern India. One of his noteworthy propositions was the assertion that Brahmins and North Indians were of Aryan descent, reflecting his perspectives on regional identity.

Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah (1905-1982) was a prominent figure in Jammu and Kashmir's political landscape. He stood as a proponent of autonomy and secularism for the region. Sheikh Abdullah led the popular struggle against princely rule, advocating for the rights and aspirations of the people. Notably, he remained opposed to Pakistan due to its non-secular character. He held leadership within the National Conference and played a vital role in Jammu and Kashmir's accession to India in 1947. Following this accession, he served as the Prime Minister of J&K.

Master Tara Singh, a prominent Sikh religious and political leader supported the freedom movement but opposed Congress’ policy of negotiating only with the Muslims & after the Independence advocated of formation of a separate Punjab State.

Rajiv Gandhi (1944–1991): Served as the Prime Minister of India from 1984 to 1989. He successfully negotiated agreements with militants in Punjab, Mizoram, and the student union in Assam. He advocated for economic liberalization and the adoption of computer technology; He was tragically assassinated by a suspected LTTE suicide bomber.