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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System


In the years preceding the fourth general elections, the nation observed significant transformations. Two Prime Ministers had passed away in rapid sequence, and the fresh Prime Minister, who was perceived as a political neophyte, had held office for fewer than twelve months. The era was marked by a severe economic turmoil caused by consecutive monsoon failures, extensive drought, reduced agricultural output, acute food scarcity, draining of foreign currency reserves, decline in industrial output and exports, along with a substantial increase in defense spending and the redirection of resources from planning and economic growth.

Name the state where for the first time a non-Congress party secured a majority of its own in 1967.


Madhya Pradesh

In Madras State (now called Tamil Nadu).


West Bengal

Correct Answer:

In Madras State (now called Tamil Nadu).


In Madras State (now called Tamil Nadu), a regional party — the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam came to power by securing a clear majority in 1967 elections. The DMK won power after having led a massive anti-Hindi agitation by students against the centre on the issue of the imposition of Hindi as the official language. This was the first time any non-Congress party had secured a majority of its own in any State.