Practicing Success

Target Exam





Human Health and Disease


Arrange the given statements in correct sequence of their occurance in replication of retrovirus.

A. Viral DNA incorporates into best genome

B. Virus infects normal cell

C. Viral DNA is produced by reverse transcriptase

D. New viral RNA is produced by the infected cell

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


A, B, C, D

B, C, A, D

A, C, B, D

A,B, D,C

Correct Answer:

B, C, A, D


The correct answer is Option (2)- B, C, A, D

B. Virus infects normal cell: The replication process begins with the retrovirus infecting a normal host cell. Retroviruses have an outer envelope that allows them to bind to specific receptors on the surface of the host cell. Once bound, the virus enters the cell and begins the process of replication.

C. Viral DNA is produced by reverse transcriptase: Inside the host cell, the retrovirus releases its genetic material, which is in the form of single-stranded RNA. The enzyme reverse transcriptase, carried by the virus, converts this RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA) strands.

A. Viral DNA incorporates into host genome: The newly formed viral DNA, or cDNA, then integrates into the host cell's genome.The viral DNA becomes a permanent part of the host cell's genetic material.

D. New viral RNA is produced by the infected cell: Once integrated into the host genome, the viral DNA can be transcribed by the host cell's machinery into new viral RNA molecules. These RNA molecules serve as templates for the production of viral proteins and genomic RNA for new virus particles.

So, the correct sequence is indeed B, C, A, D, as the virus first infects the cell, then reverse transcriptase converts its RNA into DNA, this DNA integrates into the host genome, and finally, new viral RNA is produced by the infected cell.