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General Test


General Knowledge


Which English ecologist was the first to describe the distinctive shape of the food web, which he called the pyramid of numbers?


Arthur Tansley

Eugene Odum

Charles Elton

Ernst Haeckel

Correct Answer:

Charles Elton


The correct answer is Option (3)- Charles Elton

The English ecologist who first described the pyramid of numbers in a food web was:

  • Charles Elton

Charles Elton is credited with pioneering the concept of the pyramid of numbers in the 1920s. He observed that the number of organisms decreased as you moved up the trophic levels in a food chain. This observation is represented by the pyramid shape, with a broad base of producers and a narrow apex of top predators.

Charles Elton was the English ecologist who was the first to describe the distinctive shape of the food web, which he called the "pyramid of numbers."