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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Era of one Party Dominance


Under which article the Communist government in Kerala state was dismissed by the Union Government?


Article 356

Article 352

Article 241

Article 360

Correct Answer:

Article 356


The correct answer is Option (1) - Article 356

Communist government. In 1959, the Congress government at the Center dismissed the Communist government in Kerala using Article 356 of the Constitution, sparking controversy. This event was widely considered the first instance of the misuse of constitutional emergency powers.

Entire story of the Communist Victory in Kerala in 1957:

In 1957, the Communist Party emerged victorious in the assembly elections in Kerala, winning the largest number of seats.
E. M. S. Namboodiripad, the leader of the Communist Legislature party, was invited by the governor to form the ministry.
This marked the first instance of a Communist party government coming to power through democratic method of elections.
The Congress party, after losing power in the state, initiated a "liberation struggle" against the elected Communist government.
The liberation struggle was a peaceful campaign that used public meetings and demonstrations, demanding the state government's dismissal.
The Communists faced opposition from vested interests and religious organizations, who criticized their radical and progressive policy measures.
In 1959, the Congress government at the Center dismissed the Communist government in Kerala using Article 356 of the Constitution, sparking controversy.
This event was widely considered the first instance of the misuse of constitutional emergency powers.