Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Numerical Ability


Time, Speed and Distance


A person covers a distance of 36 km in 5 hrs . Some part of this journey is covered on foot at the speed of 6 km/hr and the rest by cycle at the speed of 9 km/hr. Find the distance covered on foot .


24 km 

15 km

18 km

20 km

Correct Answer:

18 km


Distance = Speed × Time 

Total Distance = 36 km 

Total Time taken = 5 hours 

Let the time he traveled on foot be x hours with speed 6 km/hr 

And time he traveled by bicycle is ( 5 - x ) hours with speed 9 km/hr 

According to question , 

6 × x + 9 × ( 5 - x ) = 36 

6x + 45 - 9x = 36 

3x = 9 

x = 3 hours 

So ,  distance traveled by foot = 3  ×  6 = 18 km