Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Consumer Protection


Read the following and answer question.

Athary gifted a gold bangle worth ₹70,000 to his sister at her marriage. After sometime the bangle lost its shine and the mix of copper within can be seen. His sister asked him if he had checked the quality mark while purchasing it, which he had not. But lie definitely took the bill of his purchase. When he complained about it to the jeweller, he did not take.any corrective measure, rather said that it was not bought from his shop. Athary decided to file a complaint in the consumer court.

The responsibility which Atharv was able to fulfill was _________


Buy only standardised goods

Read labels carefully

Assert yourself to ensure that you get a fair deal

Ask for a cash memo on purchase

Correct Answer:

Ask for a cash memo on purchase


The correct answer is option (4) :Ask for a cash memo on purchase

The responsibility that Athary was able to fulfill, according to the information provided, is:

Ask for a cash memo on purchase.

Athary took the bill of his purchase, which is essentially a cash memo. This action demonstrates that he obtained a receipt or proof of purchase from the jeweler, which is essential for record-keeping and for any future complaints or disputes.