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Target Exam



Legal Studies


Human Rights in India

Which of the following is NOT a member of the committee on whose recommendation the chairperson and members of the National Human Rights Commission are appointed?
Lok Sabha Speaker
Minister of Home Affairs at the center
Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha
None of the above
Correct Answer:
None of the above
The National Commission of Human Rights is headed by the Chairperson who is a former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The other members of Commission are- one member who is a former judge of the Supreme Court, another member who is present or former Chief Justice of a High Court, and two other members with knowledge or experience in matters relating to human rights. Besides, there is a Secretary-General who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Commission who largely discharges administrative duties of the Commission. The Chairperson and the members are appointed by the President of India on the recommendation of a committee consisting of the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the House of the People (Lok Sabha), Minister of Home Affairs at the center, Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, Leader of Opposition in the Council of States (Rajya Sabha), and Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. The committee is required to consult the Chief Justice of India whenever a sitting judge of the Supreme Court or sitting Chief Justice of a High Court is appointed to the Commission.